Prize Monster …Win Stuff

This Weekends Prize

We have a copy of Craig Smith’s song/story book, Toothless, a copy of the Totally Awesome Kiwi Kids Album on CD and a set of mini musical instruments for little hands, so you can make some music at home!!


To go into the draw to win just tell us the name of Craig’s most famous song, to date.

Is it…

Toothless – the song for the book we’re giving away today?

The Scariest thing in the Garden?


The Wonky Donkey? 

    Review Rules…

    Giveaway closes at 6pm on Wednesday evening so we hopefully have time to get the prize to the winner for the weekend.

    One entry for each person, to make it fair 🙂
    Entries are only valid from within New Zealand
    If you’re the lucky winner you’ll hear from us soon
    Winners names are published on the competition page

    Make sure you include your contact details so we can get in touch, if you win.

    Have a wonderful day, Suzy xox