find interesting things & stuff to do with

Suzy Cato

♫ Happy Valentines Day weekend! ♫ 

I hope every day is a day filled with love – love from your family, love from your friends, love from your pets – and the love you feel for them

We’ve just created a playlist on @TREEHUTTV, on YouTube with some of the videos we have in the theme of Love. Starting with VALENTINES DAY BISCUITS Yum!

Codi share’s his love for Te Reo Māori, this coming week, on SUZY & FRIENDS IN A PODcast 

We’re loving all the new jokes, on our JOKE PAGE, too! So are the “laughing beans”. Go check them out!

AND LET ME KNOW if you’d like me to visit your town/city. I’m looking for places to visit next!

Have a wonderful day

Arohanui, Suzy  xox

Play, Watch, Draw ‘n’ More

Are you looking to find entertaining videos that encourage, play, activities, crafts, reading and more? Click any of the images below which will take you through to my YouTube channel. Check out the various playlists there is a little bit of something for everyone 🙂

Suzy’s Book Corner

I do love reading books by our wonderful authors and illustrators in NZ. Get comfortable click the the link and choose from more than 70 stories

Songs & Music

I have a bunch of feel good songs that you can join in and sing along with. Hopefully they sprinkle a little sunshine in your day

Game On

Time to have some fun while exercising? Or maybe choose something less physical, Elastic to Knuckle Bones and more

Fun Stuff

Listen and watch yours truly read story books from awesome NZ authors.
Go nostalgic and watch, “You & Me”…  good times, great memories.
Get smarter every day with Suzy’s World, do you know “why the sky is blue?”
Colour in some of my story book characters, email them in.
Click on the YouTube play button to view playlists I’ve created for you.


Suzy's Play Dough Recipe


Cato's Kitchen


You & Me


Colour In


Suzy's World


Book Corner

Suzy’s Store

The Original Series

suzy’s story books

Join Suzy and her story book friends as they go into the world of imaginative play all in the comfort of her childhood bedroom.

Suzy the Farmer investigates what is up with the farm animals. Can you find out why Mrs Ruru’s car is causing problems on the road in Suzy the Police Officer. Catopillar get really excited about searching for treasure in Suzy the Scuba Diver and adventures continue in Suzy the Doctor. Tai the Tuatara has a temperature, Errol the Elephant has fallen of his bike, its going to be a busy day for Suzy.

Limited books are available in Suzy’s Store, and you can also watch Suzy read the stories on her YouTube Channel.